RSS or Really Simple Syndication is a one-click solution that allows all of your content to be sent to your followers the moment you publish it. It is a way to feed your web pages, blogs, audio, video, and photographs automatically to people who subscribe to your content through a feed. Every time you create something new on the Internet and it is published, a feed goes out to everyone who has asked for an update.
Your followers are automatically notified through email, texting, or tweets and your content is automatically added to their reader or aggregator page. A reader, or aggregator is a program or web site that will check and continuously search all of the blogs, news sites, other web sites to which you have subscribed for new content. Aggregators are designed as a stand-alone software program or as a web page. Web-based or browser-based feed readers allow the user to access aggregated content from any Internet browser
With RSS you can provide a one-click solution to anyone and that will allow them to automatically view any new content the moment you publish. Also, be sure to subscribe to all of your favorite web, blog, and news sites. That way all of the updates you want to see will be instantly on your news feed. From this chapter I mainly learned how RSS benefits the readers. RSS allows users to avoid manually inspecting all of the websites they are interested in, and instead subscribe to websites such that all new content is pushed onto their browsers when it becomes available.
I still am amazed that people kind of know what RSS is, but most people don't use it. Are you that way? I really don't use it much either. If I have content I want to revisit all the time, I just bookmark the websites and then go back. Still, it's good to know this exists so you can use it to feed your audiences new content.